NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed proposals will be received by the Urban League of Essex County (ULEC), a nonprofit organization located in the City of Newark, New Jersey by no later than 6:00 PM Eastern Time, Monday, February 3, 2025, to identify an experienced Master Developer (“Developer”) to partner with our organization for the development of City of Newark, NJ Block 1830, Lots 1 and 100, Block 1829, Lot 1, Lot2, Lot 3, Block 1855, Lot 31 as well as incorporating Liberty Park at Central and West Market in the design in accordance with the specifications. The main purpose of the project is for the selected Developer to create a master plan of these sites collectively for their highest and best use. ULEC expects the final plan to accommodate a diversity of housing and family types, community amenities, services, programming and sustainable site improvements and landscaping.
Site Visit
ULEC hosted a site visit of all properties on Friday, November 8, 2024 at 10:00 am. Interested parties assembled at the ULEC office. This was the only narrated site visit. Individual narrated site visits will not be offered.
Pre-Proposal Conference
ULEC hosted a virtual and in-person information session for its Request for Proposals (RFP) on Monday, November 11, 10:00 am - 11:30 am. Prospective Respondents to this RFP were strongly encouraged to attend the information session to obtain a better understanding of the Project.
The information session included ample time for questions and covered the following topics:
- Introduction to ULEC RFP
- Review of the RFP Process
- Review of RFP Requirements and Selection Criteria
- Overview of the Fairmount Strategic Plan and community priorities
- Incorporating Extension/Outreach and Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion elements to your proposal
All inquiries regarding this Request for Proposal and any correspondence relating thereto shall be submitted in writing to Vivian Cox Fraser, President/CEO, at EMAIL by Monday, January 20, 2025. Responses to all questions will be provided no later than Friday, January 31, 2025. Questions will also be addressed at the virtual information session. The President/CEO is the only authorized official single source of information for this RFP. Any contact with any other ULEC staff is unofficial and should not be the basis of reply to the RFP.
Proposals shall be addressed to:
Vivian Cox Fraser
Urban League of Essex County
508 Central Avenue
Newark, New Jersey 07107
Proposals shall be clearly marked ULEC West Market Development and bear the name of the responding entity on the Cover Sheet. Respondents shall be required to submit four (4) originals and one (1) electronic copy (.pdf) on thumb drive.
The proposal submission deadline is Friday, February 21, 2025, 6:00 PM Eastern Time. The hard copies and thumb drive may be hand delivered or sent by a delivery service. Make sure that the messenger or delivery service arrives before 6:00 PM. Submissions will not be accepted after that time. ULEC will send out a letter of confirmation of receipt to submitters not later than Wednesday, February 5, 2025.
All documents and appendices related to this RFP are accessible below:
ULEC West Market Request for Proposals (Updated 010825)
ULEC West Market Files (WeTransfer)
Phase IESA PA Report (Google Drive)

Question:The RFP asks developers to create a master plan with a mix of uses including residential, commercial and community hub. Section I of the RFP states that the proposal should include a minimum 40,000 SF business and community hub, however, minimums are not provided for residential and/or commercial/retail square footage. Is there a minimum goal for number of residential units?Answer:
There is no minimum for residential units. Is there a minimum goal for amount of commercial/retain square footage? The minimum for commercial/retail usage is 20,000sf, however we want to be able to include 20,000sf for a community facility and if ULEC is to move its offices to the site it will require an additional 10,000sf for offices. We are currently planning to provide a minimum 40,000 SF business and community hub which we understand will include the 20,000 SF community facility and 10,000 SF office space for ULEC. But from your response above are you saying we should provide the 40,000 SF community hub + 20,000 community facility + 10,000 SF for ULEC offices. Please clarify.
Under RFP submission requirements the respondent is to provide a description of the type of legal entity with supporting documentation and list of relevant licenses with expiration dates. Please clarify what information should be provided for a proposed new partnership entity which will not be formed until after award of the project.Answer:
This refers more to the type of partnership agreement that will be created by both entities and should be outlines in a memorandum of understanding.
Under RFP submission requirements the respondent shall provide at least three (3) professional references. Please clarify if ULEC is seeking names and contact information for the professional references, or written letters of reference.
Names and contact information your relationship with the reference that can speak your TCB capacity to undertake a project this size.
The RFP states that the minimum goal for the project is for MBE’s to participate in 50% of total development costs. Please clarify if 50% MBE participation is a minimum requirement for submission of a proposal.
No, it is not a minimum for the submission, but the project will require 50% MBE participation. Although it does not hurt to include some MBE’s at this time for the submission.
Under RFP submission requirements the respondent should include evidence of financing resources. For certain sources including tax credit allocations and subsidy awards it will not be possible to include commitment and/or aware letters. Please provide examples of “evidence” that will satisfy this requirement.
Letters of potential financing including construction loans from various lenders or financial intermediaries and a copy of your financial statement. Provide examples of other projects that TCB was able to obtain sizable financial support from and were able to execute.
As a possible component of the phase 2 development, is ULEC interested in rehabilitating and expanding the existing early childhood center? If so, what number of children does the early childhood center currently serve, and what is the target number of children to serve in the future?
We are currently in the process of performing some renovation to our existing childcare center. The Center services 60 toddlers.